Crew Multi surface Creme Cleanser

Crew Multi surface crème cleanser is uniquely formulated for removing stubborn spots, build-ups, scale, scuff marks, rubber marks, soap scum etc, without scratching the surface. Ensures fittings and surfaces are spotlessly clean.

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  • Effective spot cleaning - Use on porcelain, ceramic, stainless steel,fibre glass and other washable surfaces not harmed by mild abrasives.
  • Clings to vertical surfaces - Product clings onto the surface, to increase cleaning effectiveness
  • Highly effective in removing scaking in bathroom fixtures tiles etc
  • Pleasant to work with - Pleasantly scented, for ease of use
  • Alkaline pH - Ensures it is gentle on fittings
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Specs & Application Instructions:

  • This is a ready-to- use product. Squeeze product on wet cloth, sponge, or brush. Loosen soil with rubbing action, rinse. For heavily soiled areas, remove gross soil before treatment. For a bright shine, On stainless steel, polish with soft dry rub with grain. cloth. Special Handling Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment. Do not use on natural wood. Certain surfaces may be unsuitable for commercial strength cleaners. Test in an inconspicuous area.
  • Ideal for Tiles, Sink, Taps, Showerheads, Towerhandle